When Ailbhe Garrihy and her husband Ruaidhri Hehir left Australia to return to Ireland in 2015 buying a house together was high on their agenda.
Like most people, it was a long road for them, but it was also a road filled with happy memories and milestones. They got married in Doolin 2019 and welcomed their two sons, Seán and Fionn, in August 2020 and January of this year.
With the hard parts out of the way, such as getting finance and finding the perfect pad all the attention had turned to adding their personal touch to their forever home.
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Ailbhe told RSVP Home: "We moved home from Australia in 2015 so we had been renting since then. We started looking properly in 2019, but the property market was mad.
"We got married that year, then the pandemic hit and the following March I got pregnant with Seán, so everything went on the back burner.
"We knew it would take time and the property market is so unbelievably hard at the moment.
"Around this time last year we came across our now home and we knew straight away it was what we wanted. We went sale agreed in October 2022, but didn’t get the keys until March. We also welcomed our second son, Fionn, in between all of that in January."
Financing the buy felt like a "lifetime" for them.
Ailbhe said: "We rented the whole time. We needed to decide which bank to go with and we had to save up the deposit.
"We also had to find a place to suit our budget. Saving a deposit is one thing, but then you need to find a house you can afford. It took forever, it felt like a lifetime.
"We were afraid to tell anyone because we knew so many people who went sale agreed but the sale fell through. Until we had the keys in our hands we couldn’t get excited."

Ailbhe and Ruaidhri had different ways of saving and there were a lot of sacrifices they had to make.
She explaind: "I saved a certain amount of money every month. It wasn’t the same amount all the time, there were months where I saved X amount of money and it might have been half of that the following month.
"Once it comes out of your account you can’t touch it. Even if it’s the tiniest amount, take it out of your account and put it away.
"You might also have to sacrifice dinner with your friends and there was one year we had a lot of weddings, but there were some we had to say ‘no’ to because you can’t go to everything when you’re trying to save."
Ailbhe has gotten incredible family support, especially from her sister Aoibhin, who recently built her own house in Clare. She was also on hand to offer some expert parenting advice.
Swipe across below to see inside her home for yourself
She said: "Aoibhín offered to do the interiors for me because she loved every second of designing her own home. It was her favourite project. I’ve learned a lot from her about what to buy or not to buy, like the stools for the island in the kitchen.
"She has learned the hard way in her house! Her top tip was get mattress protectors, they very important.
"I also wanted to get wooden floors upstairs and downstairs because I thought they would be easier to clean if there were spills. She said absolutely not. She said, 'Picture this Ailbhe, you have nappies to change, do you want to be kneeling down on a solid hardwood floor or cosy carpet?'
"The noise of the wooden floors would have made a huge difference too.
"She said she changes a lot of nappies on the floor and you don’t want to be kneeling down on hard floors while getting your kids dressed every morning."
Ailbhe's parenting also provided hands on help as well as nuggets of useful information, which she took on board.
She said: "Dad’s brilliant and he’s a carpenter by trade. He came in and put together Seán’s bed the day we moved in and I paid him in jumbo breakfast rolls.
"He was delighted! [laughs] Being able to rope in family to help out in this cost of living crisis is great. We’re very lucky in that sense."
The PR manager added: "Mum has all the tricks of the trade. She arrived down with three little laundry baskets when she came to mind the boys the other week.
"I was wondering where she was going with them, but she pointed out that I was putting everyone’s clothes into the one laundry basket. She told me to divide them all up - put Seán’s clothes into one, Fionn’s into another and me and Ruaidhrí’s into another to make things easier.
"It was very good advice because bringing them upstairs from the drier or the line is much easier. It makes my life a little bit handier when I’ve two kids at my feet. She generally talks a lot of sense."
For Ailbhe, the biggest challenge with the with buying and decorating her move was the cost associated with everything.
She said: "You have to save up to buy a house and that empties your bank account, but you also need money to fill the house too.
"Once you move in you’re back to saving every month, we keep a bit aside for doing up the house.
"We’ve done barely anything upstairs so far, so the next stage for us is to get that finished. It’s not going to happen overnight though. Saying that, it’s worth every penny because we’ve wanted our own home for so long and we have a lovely place to raise our sons."

Read the full interview and see all of the pictures in this issue of RSVP Home
Ailbhe Garrihy is part of TK Maxx’s Lesser Known Sibling campaign, highlighting the Homesense interiors part of the brand. Visit homesense.ie for more
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