If you're thinking about job hunting, there are a few things that you should ensure you do to get an interview.
We've all been down the road of applying for jobs and not hearing anything back, but there are a lot more people vying for the same roles nowadays, and you need to ensure that your CV stands out in the best possible way to get that all-important call for the interview stage.
Working in recruitment in the UK and Ireland, I came across thousands of CV's for all levels of roles from entry-level to CEO, and the best advice we could give was to keep your CV concise and to the point. If you are going through a recruiter, they will be able to edit your CV - especially if you are being headhunted for a role, but if you're applying for roles directly yourself, be sure to ask someone to glance their eye over it and nitpick about any mistakes or inconsistencies that there are.
There are a few key rules to keep in mind when applying for a role, and they are so simple to do:
Know the job you are applying for
This may seem obvious, but if you are applying for a Social Media Executive role, do your research. These roles are not just about having a Twitter or Facebook account. They require skills in certain tools, data analytics, and strategy, etc., so read the job description. Most jobs will state a certain amount of experience, but if you fall short, don't be afraid to throw your hat into the ring - they may have other positions open that you didn't see, but once you're in the same area in terms of the role, it's worth taking the experience with a little pinch of salt sometimes as it's usually flexible.

If you are applying with a Cover Letter, tailor it for every job
There is nothing worse than receiving a Cover Letter with a ‘Dear John/Sir’ when you may be addressing a woman. If you're not sure who the hiring manager is, best to stick with something simple like "To whom it may concern" as otherwise it just looks like you’ve copied and pasted from a previous application and not taken the time to note who the hiring manager is- especially if it is an industry you already work in, as you may be aware of the hiring manager.
Don’t forget about the job title in your Cover Letter. Generally, the advert title is the role you are applying for-you clicked it because it caught your attention and now it’s your turn to get the attention of the hiring manager. Be sure it's a role that you know about and if you're confused at all about the role, look it up and be sure it's the right role for you.
Just a note, sometimes, you don’t need a Cover Letter. Some companies will state no Cover Letter. If you want them to know more about you, you can write a little Profile on your CV instead which means the hiring manager can go direct to your CV!

You r CV – the important document!

Keep it short - 1-2 pages max and no more.
Font – It goes without saying, never use Comic Sans. But other than that, there’s quite a bit of choice. Some people prefer Times New Roman, some prefer Calibri, some Trebuchet MS. It has to be legible and easy to read. Some fonts allow you to get down to two pages, others make it more difficult. Play around and see what suits you, but just don’t go with Comic Sans (unless it states to do so)!
Font Size / Colour– Everyone has a size that like their CV to appear. Be it a 10 for main points, with headings in an 11, it'll work, and once the sizing doesn’t keep jumping all the time, it’s quite easy to get a consistent effect throughout your CV and one that is pleasing on the eye. A lot of people add a little bit of colour to their CV, but be sure to stick with neutrals to ensure a consistent feel through the document.
Profile – What are you looking for? Where do you want to go? What job are you aiming for? It’s okay to give a little information on yourself and what you want out of your career. This is a quick glimpse into the type of person you are. This section is great if you’ve not attached a Cover Letter.
Layout – The layout of a CV is very important. If you’re a grad coming straight out of Uni/College, your educational history is very important so this should appear higher up the page. If you did a thesis/dissertation, pop this on, especially if it is related to the industry you are applying for. Depending on the industry, school results may still be quite important, so it's best to leave them on until you get enough relevant experience, and then the more senior you get, the further this goes down and your work experience takes over.
Work Experience – Did you deliver newspapers when you were 14? Yes, you say? Great but it doesn’t need to go on your CV especially if you are 2 years working in the industry you so longed to get into. If you created an app when you were 14 and sold it to a leading tech giant, then yes that can stay. It’s all about a process of elimination, and some may argue that delivering newspapers at 14 helped you developed your strong sales skills that helped you to become the amazing sales manager you are today but in reality, it was a job for pocket money. Selling an app (for example) that you created, on the other hand, shows that you had the skill set to create something that another person was willing to pay money for (probably a lot) and it shows that you have relevant skills for the job you are applying for. If you are a graduate, relevant work experience/internships should be mentioned, but you don’t need to mention every single job you’ve had since you started working at the age of 16. The more senior you become and the higher up the industry you get, you can even reduce certain jobs to just titles as hiring managers care about what got you to where you are today and they'll most likely have done similar roles to you, so they care more about what you’ve been doing recently. So in essence, it’s all a process of elimination. Is your experience relevant to the job that you’re applying for? Remember, it’s okay to have CV’s tailored to different industries, just remember to attach the correct CV.
You – Are you a professional hand model in your spare time? Do you like to go for long walks in the countryside every weekend with your Dalmatian? Yes, it may sound like a dating site application but it shows thehiring manager a snapshot of your personality and it may even lead to a nice little ice-breaker when you get called for interview. But be warned, if you say that you hold the Guinness World Record for doing backflips, be prepared to give examples!
Don’t forget – you may forget about additional qualifications and courses you’ve completed over time, so every time you do one, pop it on your CV!
Read over your CV. Get someone else to check it. You might think it's perfect, but fresh eyes see things that you might just glance over! Ask for opinions from others.
So in summary, a Cover Letter/CV is a snapshot of the person that you are. Live up to the expectations of your CV so don’t oversell yourself. Leave them wanting more…