If you choose to shave or wax you pubic hair, you are a lot more susceptible to ingrown hairs. This is when the hair grows back into your skin instead out to the surface.
They appear in small, round bumps or small, pus-filled bumps according to healthline.com. The skin around the ingrown hair might also darken, this is called hyperpigmentation. Ingrown hairs can also be painful and itchy.
People with curly, thick hair get ingrown hairs more often than those with thin, fine hair.
Sometimes the ingrown hair will disappear, so it is a good idea to leave an ingrown hair alone for a while, according to the NHS. Definitely don't scratch or pick at it because you are introducing more bacteria to the small wound.
You may, however, use a sterile tweezers or needle to try and get it out if the hair is near the surface, but if it is deep in the skin don't dig for it.
Here are four recommendations that medicalnewstoday.com give to get rid of ingrown hairs:
1. Hot compress
This helps the hair rise to the surface. You can then tweeze the hair out.
2. Stop hair removal
This is a guaranteed way to prevent ingrown hairs
3. Wash the area with soap and warm water
"Rubbing the ingrown hair in a circular motion for 10 to 15 seconds with light pressure can soften skin and encourage the hair to pop out."
4. Use ointment
Using ointment once or twice daily minimises the risk of infection.
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