Summertime and the livin’ is easy… or is it? I’m sure George Gershwin wasn’t thinking of busy parents of children prone to bouts of boredom when he penned his famous composition!
By now we’ve all had a summer off from the daily grind and routine of the school year. And while we rejoiced back in June at the thoughts of lazy mornings, no more school lunches to prepare and the lack of homework, the reality for many parents is that the summer months can quite simply be a bit of a headache.
For those working either from home or in the workplace, temporary childcare can be tricky to find and make a serious dent in the pocket. Summer camps are always a great alternative but again, they’re not cheap. Taking into account the price as well as the fact that camps are usually only half-day affairs, you’ll find thousands of parents trying desperately to balance their own working days with the needs of their little ones.
Read more: Laura Woods on benefits of talking about puberty and sex to 11-year-old son
As a result, we tend to relax the rules a little during the silly season. And I think that’s perfectly OK. In our house screen time is extended when needed – which is right now! I’m writing this article at the kitchen table while my 10-year-old is beside me watching his tablet. We should be out and about in the park or doing something fun as the sun is shining, but the memories will have to wait a couple of hours as there are deadlines to meet. Of course he’s thrilled, knowing full well tech time is normally permitted after dinner only. But rules need to be bent a little if we are all to fulfil our responsibilities as working parents over the summer months, and I for one don’t feel remotely guilty about it!
Like many families, we also allow our boys a little more freedom during the long evenings. Bedtime is delayed in favour of playing on the green with their friends. When you think back to our own childhoods, we had so much more freedom afforded to us than our kids do now. And some of my favourite childhood memories stem from sitting on a neighbour’s wall with pals having the craic until dusk. Free from the constraints of early starts and the school day looming, the summer holidays really do offer a time for kids to focus on their friends, hobbies, and some all-important down time too.
As we all know, getting a routine back in place by September can be an arduous task. Clinical Lead at the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Bree O’Neill, recommends bringing the bedtime routine back into the home about a fortnight before school starts again. I will definitely be trying this tactic as the reintroduction to routine is something we have struggled with in the past.
Being an only child, I can now look back and feel sympathy for my poor mum who was most likely exhausted trying to keep me entertained. However, my mother cleverly fostered a love of reading in me, and as a result I was more than happy in my own company with a good book on the days that she may have been busy and not at liberty to hang out with her nine-year-old all day long.
I feel for parents of younger children who need constant minding during the summer break. By contrast, this summer my 12-year-old has really spread his wings and with the arrival of his phone has been busy making plans to see his friends every day. This new sense of independence and freedom I hope will serve him well as he shortly takes his first steps into a new school for his senior years.
We have, however, experienced the odd parenting fail this summer with my younger son. Recently, for example, he wanted to get his hair trimmed. I agreed and asked him to walk ahead of me (the local barbers is at the end of our road). I was a little later down to him than I anticipated due to an incoming work call and an uncooperative dog.
Anyhow, by the time I reached the barbers I nearly keeled over – he had no hair left! The lovely stylist looked helplessly at me and protested that my little guy had specifically asked for a “high skin fade”.

He reckons he looks fabulous so I guess that’s the main thing! But I thought at this stage in my parenting journey, I would be savvy enough not to have the wool pulled over my eyes. I was wrong! But, sure, it’ll grow back and on the bright side he won’t need another trim ’til the Christmas break!
However you spent your summer months, I hope you found a little time for some self-care too. And if not, make sure to factor some “you” time in when school starts again. You deserve it!
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