In RSVP, we love to celebrate innovative and hard-working women who have taken the initiative to start their own businesses.
Here, Sonia Harris Pope from Harris PR tells us all about setting up her own agency, juggling work and family life and the best piece of advice she's received in business.
You spent years working in the media, what led to your decision to move to PR and create your own agency?
I think journalism and PR are closely linked anyway, it’s all communications and it was a natural progression for me to move full-time into PR. I had been freelancing on various events and festivals while writing for the Sunday Independent and I’ve always really enjoyed the client end of PR. I love the collaborative effort between agencies and brands. I think my journalism background gives me a little bit of an edge when developing feature ideas as I like to connect the story to an individual journalist or publication.
How have you managed to juggle work and family life this last year?
It’s certainly been a challenge. We’ve been working from home since March 12th, 2020 and the kids have been remote learning on and off since then too. It’s hard on them. They miss their friends and their independence, especially our older girls. Since day one, I’ve focussed on the juggle. For us, it’s about dedicating time slots in the day to family and work and not trying to do both at the same time. I’m constantly reassuring the team that they need to take the time they need for family or to walk the dog or do some yoga to ensure that everyone is being kind to themselves.

How has the pandemic impacted your business, did it teach you anything, will you make any lasting changes?
Gosh yes, as a business, I think flexible working has so many advantages. Our office was a short commute from my home but the team has saved hours and hours from long, unnecessary commutes and I’ve made new hires with great people working all over Ireland. I don’t think as a society that we’ll ever return to 9-5 in an office environment, five days a week.
What has been the proudest moment to date in your career?
It’s been a collection of moments, to be honest. I sometimes get a rush of joy when we’re on a team meeting and everyone is just working hard. I still love getting positive client feedback and sometimes I get to the end of the week and think, “wow, we did this” and feel so grateful. I love that we have long-standing relationships with a lot of clients and a reputation for client retention. Mostly though it’s about the here and now, nearly 12 years later, we’re going strong.
What advice would you give to someone hoping to break into the PR industry?
It’s not an easy ride. You need to have a mix of skills from creativity to writing, and you spend a lot more time working on budgets than you imagined! But if you love working with people and enjoy multitasking then do it.

What is the number one PR tip you give to your clients?
Ask why! Sometimes we’ll present ideas that seem a little off the wall, and we love nothing more than to present the “why” we are doing what we do! It’s so important for clients and agencies to collaborate on KPIs at the start of every campaign so they can agree upfront what success will look like.

What is the best piece of advice you have received in business to date?
You can’t do it all, and you don’t have to. Find the right team and the right people for various roles. And when you ask “how are you?”, always listen to the answer!
Ph: +353 87 797 9703
Facebook/Instagram: @SoniaHarrisPR
Twitter: @SoniaHarrisPR