Effective communication is a cornerstone of healthy and fulfilling sexual relationships. It goes beyond verbalising desires, it's about creating a safe and open space where partners can express their needs, boundaries, fantasies, and concerns without judgment.
Discussing likes, dislikes, and preferences can be a difficult task. It can feel embarrassing to express our sexual needs, especially when many of us have been reared to think that discussions around sex are dirty or something to be kept a secret.
It can also feel awkward to try to talk to a partner about their skills in the bedroom. Perhaps you would like them to improve their skills in one area, or maybe you need to build your confidence in a certain area and need their help to do so.
Read more: Sexologist shares advice on using the correct lubricant for a better sexual experience
It's vital to openly talk about consent, ensuring that all parties are comfortable and enthusiastic about every aspect of the experience, and communication is a key part of that. When partners communicate openly, they pave the way for a mutually satisfying and gratifying sexual journey.
LELO’s sex and relationships expert, Kate Moyle, has some key tips and structures to help the communication in your relationship, particularly when it comes to giving your partner positive direction regarding your needs and wants.
"I often describe how talking sex can feel like trying to hold a conversation in a language we haven’t been taught - misunderstandings and mistranslations are common, it’s clunky, we feel awkward, get things wrong and worry about how our partner might react to us," she told RSVP Live.
"This is to be expected when we live in a culture that doesn't normalise talking about sex and intimacy. We feel shame for even bringing the topic up, or think that by the very nature of having to talk about it that there must be a problem - pair this with the fact that it's vulnerable, intimate and can be revealing and that it's something that we rarely see modelled in a positive way - in fact most of the versions that we see of sex are in the media are shown in a non-representative and dramatised way.
"So what this so often means is that we avoid conversations about sex, even when it's not working or we're dissatisfied - so often couples go with assumptions rather than checking out what's going on for each other which means they get stuck in sexual ruts and routines for fear of rocking the boat."

Kate suggests introducing the topic in an indirect way, and you can gage their reaction and prompt a conversation without feeling like you are being too formal or confrontational.
"If you're struggling to know where to start with talking to your partner about sex then introduce the topic in an indirect way e.g 'I read this article / listened to this Ted Talk / listened to this podcast' and then you can also offer to share it with your partner which you can then use as a conversation starter," she advises.
"It doesn't have to be clinical or formal - you can use a scene in a film or the new series of Netflix's Sex Education. This way you can use them as prompts to start the conversation and see how it goes."
"Also don't panic if you don't get the initial response from your partner that you were hoping for, if you've been gearing yourself up to talk to them about sex remember that you are step ahead and you have already been over it in your head and they may just need a bit of time or thought to catch up with you.
"Many of us assume that talking about sex has to be a bad thing or an indicator of a problem when in fact it's one of the most critical ingredients of our sex lives - none of us are mind readers so really if we don't share with our partners they can't ever truly know what we want."
"Always start a conversation with a positive, 'I love it when we X', 'I have really been enjoying when we tried X', 'do you remember that time on holiday when...' when we start any communication with a positive we are more likely to get an open response, whereas if our partner perceives us as criticising them it's likely to be met with defensiveness or shutting down behaviours."
One thing that a lot of people would like to bring into the bedroom more are toys and accessories. There can be a stigma about using toys with a partner, an incorrect assumption that toys are only bought in when the partner cannot full-fill a certain whim, but toys are all about enhancing the pleasure for both or all parties.
While most are designed to work with one individual set of specific genitalia, there are also many toys that can be used by two parties at the same time, of any genitalia combination.
"There are so many narratives around sex toys being a threat to replacing partners in some way, and they are just really unhelpful. Sex toys are an aid for either partnered or solo play to introduce new sensations, pleasure and experiences and should be approached as something fun and enjoyable," says Kate.
"If you want to introduce it to a partner who feels cautious, then focus on trying it together from the start. Look at a website like Lelo together and talk about what you are interested in trying or not, this way choosing something together makes you feel more mutually invested."
"When you first try it use it all over each other's bodies to build up sensation, desire and arousal and take it in turns at first so that you both feel comfortable using it.
"Make sure it's charged and somewhere easily in reach for first time use, and a good water-based lubricant is an essential when playing with sex toys for the first time. We are most often afraid or nervous about things which are unfamiliar so getting comfortable is an important part of feeling confident."

When it comes to talking about sex with a new partner, it is important to make any boundaries you have clear from the outset. Often, sex can be something that happens after a particularly impassioned date with a new romantic interest, or in a whirlwind with someone you have only recently met, but before taking a new lover, communication is just as important as it is in an established relationship.
"Don't feel afraid to express your boundaries from the outset, and to discuss likes and dislikes," says Kate.
"You can give direction to a partner in the moment either by guiding them physically or placing your hand over theirs or by offering specific suggestions - ambiguous suggestions can feel confusing for partners and are harder to feel sure about, so the more specific the better e.g. could you kiss me here."
"Consent is important for every sexual experience so don't feel afraid to ask questions like, 'can I X', 'would you like me to X', 'what would you like to do next?' or 'I think X could be fun, what do you think?'"
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