It is said that every three minutes, someone in Ireland is diagnosed with some form of cancer. The Irish Cancer Society have reported that every hour someone in Ireland died from cancer. The cancer rate in the country is rising, and it is said that half the population will have a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. Here are the six most common cancers in Irish women and how to spot them:
1. Non-melanoma skin cancer
There are 4,632 known cases of non-melanoma skin cancer in Irish women, according to the Irish Cancer Society. This cancer refers to a group of cancers that form over time in the upper layers of the skin, the epidermis. The first symptoms of this cancer are usually a lump or discoloured patch on the skin that doesn't go away, according to the NHS.
"In most cases, cancerous lumps are red and firm and sometimes turn into ulcers, while cancerous patches are usually flat and scaly. Non-melanoma skin cancer most often develops on areas of skin regularly exposed to the sun, such as the face, ears, hands, shoulders, upper chest and back." the NHS say.
Surgery is the primary way that doctors and oncologists will treat non-melanoma skin cancer. They'll remove the tumour (lump or discoloured patch). The NHS explain how other treatments include freezing, radiotherapy, anti-cancer creams and light treatment.
2. Breast cancer
This is probably the most well known form of cancer in Ireland, The Irish Cancer Society reports 3,215 cases of breast cancer in Ireland. Some symptoms include a change in size of shape of the breast, changes in, on or around the nipple, changes in the skin such as dimples, puckering or redness, unusually large pores, swelling around your collarbone and arm pit and any sort of lump on your breast.
The national screening programme for breast cancer, BreastCheck, offers free mammograms to women between the ages of 50-67. The Irish Cancer Society shared a five-point breast awareness code for whenever you're doing a self check: "Know what is normal for you. Know what changes to look for. Look and feel your breasts. Discuss any changes with your GP without delay. Attend routine breast screening if you are aged between 50 and 64."
Surgery is still the main treatment for breast cancer, although radiotherapy, hormone therapy and chemotherapy are widely used treatments in Ireland.
3. Gynaecological cancers
There are 1,321 known cases of gynaecological cancers in Irish women. These cancers include endometrial cancer (womb), ovarian/fallopian cancer, cervical cancer, vulval cancer and vaginal cancer. say the key symptoms of gynaecological cancers such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, abnormal discharge, persistent pelvic and abdominal pain, nausea, pain during or after sex.
These cancers are all treated differently, more information can be found at
4. Lung Cancer
There are 1,170 known cases of lung cancer in Ireland. According to the Irish Cancer Society, nine out of 10 cases of lung cancers are as a result of smoking. There 60 chemicals in cigarettes that are known to cause cancer in the lungs.
Some symptoms include difficulty breathing or swallowing, persistent coughing, repeated chest infections, coughing up phlegm with blood, hoarse voice, chest pain, facial swelling and swelling of the neck.
The Irish Cancer Society offer an online lung health checker at
5. Bowel Cancer
1,136 cases of bowel cancer exist in Ireland. Some of the symptoms include a change of bowel habits, pain or discomfort in your stomach, weight loss, trapped wind, tired and breathless and rectal bleeding. It is recommended that you visit a doctor if any of these symptoms persist for 4-6 weeks.
BowelScreen is the national screening programme for bowel cancer. The programme offer a home test kit to women and men ages between 60 and 69.
6. Melanoma skin cancer
There are 581 cases of melanoma in Ireland. It is cancer of the cells that make melanin, which is the pigment that colours your skin. It usually appears as a mole because it affects the outer layer of the skin.
Melanoma is treated by excision surgery, skin grafts or removing lymph nodes, according to the Irish Cancer Society.
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