A vet has issued a stark warning after four dogs died following walks at a lake in County Fermanagh.
Two puppies and two adult dogs came into contact with the water at Lough Melvin, Belfast Live reports.
Each dog passed away within an hour of swimming in the water, with the cause believed to be toxins found in algae bloom which attacked the liver.
Read more: Expert warns about the risk of tap water to your dogs
The toxin can’t be seen with the naked eye and is instead present in freshwater in lakes, loughs, ponds and even rivers.
A dog’s liver is attacked after ingesting the affected water, which can be found when they are swimming or licking their paws afterwards.
Aoife Ferris, a vet at Lakeland Veterinary Services, treated three of the dogs who became ill after their activities at Lough Melvin.
She issued an important warning to dog and pet owners, saying: “Our warning is clear. Do not let your dogs near fresh water and especially stagnant water at the moment. The toxin associated with blue green algae blue is not visible to humans, it is not detectable by dogs and it can be a killer. In two days we had four dogs died after being in or around the same body of water.
"The owners are all devoted to their pets and the last thing they would do is knowingly put them at risk. But now we have families grieving for four dogs, two puppies and two adults dogs, all of them fit and healthy before their walk.
"The situation is shocking, distressing and completely heart breaking. But this toxin is so fast acting, so dangerous and it needs to be avoided at all costs. We had four cases in two days and all four dogs died. An absolute tragedy.
"The toxin attacks the liver and once the liver cannot filter toxins the other organs shut down and when that happens there is just no going back.”

She advised dog owners to stay away from freshwater while algae is active.
“No evidence of the algae to the naked eye does not necessarily mean the water is safe,” Aoife continued.
“Please do not take the risk. Keep your dog on a lead near water, do not allow them to drink from the fresh water source, do not let them swim in it or even paddle or walk in it.
"Initially when we had the dogs come in to us this week, we thought there may be a chance the dogs could have suffered cardiac arrest but that would be very unusual in dogs and then we realised they'd all been near the same fresh water source. We believe they have died as a result of multi-organ failure brought on by exposure to the blue green algae toxins.
"This algae can appear as sludge that is brown in colour and as foam along the shore, as well as a green film over the water, but as it washes through areas it can be impossible to see.
"As we head into the weekend with warm weather we know people will want to get out and about with their dogs but we are urging caution. Please do not let your pet near any fresh water, especially stagnant water.
"The main treatment for a dog that has ingested these toxins is to induce vomiting but sadly we know it can be too late."
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