A woman in the US has some big baby news: she recently gave birth to a baby boy weighing over 14lbs.
Cary and Tim Patonai, from Phoenix, Arizona, welcomed their third son Finnley on October 4. The infant was born at 38 weeks, weighing in at 14lbs, 1oz.
His birth weight is almost double the newborn average.
Cary said Finnley's weight was not a total surprise to her, as she was told during her final ultrasound that he was weighing around 13lbs.
"[Doctors were] like, 'oh, ultrasounds can be off. He probably won't weigh that much,'" she told Fox News.

Yet as soon as they pulled him out, doctors were shocked at the newborn's size.
"They're like, 'oh my gosh, that's huge!'" said Cary. "Everybody was freaking out like 'I've never seen a baby that big, I can't believe it!' He's so perfect and round in every way."
The Patonais believe Finnley may be one of the largest babies to be born at Banner Thunderbird, but hospital officials say they are unable to comment due to federal patient privacy laws.
The family said Finnley's size has made him a celebrity at the hospital, where he spent eight days in NICU after birth.
"The fact that doctors that do this everyday want to take a picture with you and your baby -- I'm just laying here like this, you know, and I'm getting sewed up, and meanwhile, we are taking a little photoshoot at the top, it's kind of funny," Cary continued.
"There was one point in the NICU that he was one of four babies, and his weight was their three total altogether, so we were laughing at that."

Finnley is now at home with the family, settling in just fine with his older brothers, Emmett and Tim.
"I think he's just perfect in every way. I don't even care if he's bigger than me. I love him!" said Emmett.
"I'm excited I feel like my family's complete now," said Tim.
Cary said Finnley is her third child, and he was born after she suffered 19 miscarriages since 2008.
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