Parents are naturally curious about their child’s development and want to help their child progress. We all think our kids are special in their own way, but you may have noticed physical, social, cognitive, or emotional traits that signal your child is especially talented in a certain area.
According to Richard Evans, founder of The Profs tuition agency, there are specific signs you can look out for which show that your child is excelling beyond their years, and encouraging your child’s development in these areas could help them excel even further.
He states, “Keep in mind that your child doesn’t need to be extraordinary in every field. They may be talented at a specific activity or have more knowledge on a niche topic. Unreasonable expectations can cause unhealthy pressure. This guide is to help parents identify where their child is achieving naturally, so they can cultivate their existing talents and support them along their own path.”
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Language skills
“Most children are able to speak in recognisable sentences and understand more complex language by the age of 3. However, if your young child is excelling beyond their years in language, their communication skills may appear advanced or sophisticated. They are likely to pick up on new vocabulary quickly and integrate this into their speech. As well as this, they may find it easy to follow multi-step directions such as, ‘Please go to your bedroom, get the yellow dress, put it in the washing basket in the utility room, so I can wash it for you tomorrow.’
At an older age, children who are excelling in language can also pick up on dual meanings and hidden nuances in speech, so are likely to participate in more adult conversations. They speak in longer, more advanced sentences and ask questions expecting thorough explanations or reasonings. It almost goes without saying that children who love language also love to read books! Reading is a great activity for children to develop their grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation if they’re reading aloud.”

Learning abilities
“Everyone is born with a desire to discover the world around them. If your child is excelling beyond their years in their learning abilities, their difference lies in their skill to accrue knowledge and learn about new environments quickly and effortlessly. When faced with a new challenge, it is likely that they do not need much direction or instruction. As well as this, they may have an unusual ability to concentrate on activities for long periods of time. Learning will be fun for these individuals, they find interest in grasping new concepts, teaching themselves technical games, and mastering new hobbies.
To encourage an already active learner, give your child the control to investigate what they are interested in in a way that suits them. Allowing them the freedom to thrive and the ability to input in their education is paramount to their ongoing development.”
Emotional traits
“It's tough for adults, let alone children, to recognise another person's emotional state and respond with understanding or compassion. Emotional intelligence is equally as important as academic intelligence. As your child grows older, emotional intelligence can support healthy relationships, good mental health, and a positive attitude towards education or future jobs.
If your child is emotionally intelligent, they will be able to label their emotions in different situations, for example, ‘I feel sad when mummy has to work late’. They are incredibly empathetic, meaning they can relate to the emotions of other children their age, older children, and even adults. They will have an appreciation of nature and enjoy alone time to daydream, observe, or just analyse. With the ability to pick up on others' emotions, these children become natural leaders who are charismatic and can help others to explore new directions.
If your child has advanced emotional intelligence for their years, allow them to take responsibility for their actions earlier than you might do otherwise. Talk through decisions with your child and examine how their response might impact others and their feelings. This process will support your child in developing their emotional regulation and self-awareness even further.”
Behavioural traits
“Every child has different social and emotional needs. If your child is excelling beyond their years in a particular activity or interest, they could show this through negative behaviour too! They might feel bored if they’re given the same tasks as their peers due to being under stimulated. If they’re advancing in a very obvious or distinguishable manner, for instance with advanced vocabulary, they could feel insecure about this when communicating with their peers, or even misunderstood by them. If your child is emotionally intelligent, they may also have intense sensitivity to criticism, or feel overwhelmed in crowded environments, as it is too stimulating for them. Finally, if your child is excelling beyond their years, they could create unrealistic expectations for themselves, leading to perfectionism. They may feel as though, no matter how hard they try, that they can never achieve or be enough.
As a parent, it is important to also consider the behavioural traits of talented children to support their development. Be a good listener to your child’s feelings and really try to understand the motivations behind their actions. Ensure your child has a diverse social group and opportunity to interact with like-minded children who share the same interests, and those that have other passions and skills. Celebrate their achievements routinely, provide new challenges, and remember they are still children who can make mistakes.”
Hidden gifts
“Highly able children show their hidden talents in a wide variety of ways, some of which can't be measured on simple pen-and-paper tests. Perhaps your child is a gifted entertainer, a chatterbox, a problem solver, or a leader. Their daily actions can tell you a lot about their unique gifts, strengths, and limitations. If your child has a particular interest, engage them in extra-curricular activities where they can do more of what they love and meet like-minded individuals. If your child is engaging in more adult conversations or wants to elevate their skillset, consider finding them a tutor and
search by subject and level .
Identifying children's gifts is not always easy, and academic or IQ tests certainly have their limitations. Everyone has skills, usually more than one. Don’t worry if your child doesn’t have a clear talent, as you may not have found it yet! I would recommend an online ‘ Skills Builder’ test, which identifies the 8 key employability skills that all children should be taught as a priority in schools. For example, if your child displays the traits: “Hands On”, “Creative” and “Perfectionist” - these are the skills strongly associated with successful chefs. As a parent, you may then want to ask your child to help with cooking dinner or bake a cake with them. Just to note - this should be a fun process. Take the pressure off ‘finding their talent’ and make sure to listen and compassionately support them in their activities. With patience and encouragement, combined with providing new opportunities and background enrichment, your child’s hidden gifts will naturally be unlocked, and they will be motivated to pursue their interests.”
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